Anti Track Spray

Anti Track Spray


Part No .#A9119

Unique air-dry, High Di-electric strength, Insulation class H, Water & Dust Repellent, tough glossy coating designed to prevent tracking, arcing and flash overs caused by dust and moisture specifically on bus bar end-bushing and insulators. Weather proof & non- ageing.

Technical Data

Parameters : Specifications

Apperance : Glossy

Density at +27°C : 800 g/cc Inhouse

Motor Oil Resistance : Excellent

Evaporation : Faster than n-Butyl

Our Products


Application Areas:

Bus bar ends, bushings, insulators, switch yard equipments etc.


Can is under high pressure. Do not puncture or incinerate it even when apparently empty. Store below 50°C. Use in well ventilated areas. Do not spray into or around open flames and sparks. Exposure to heat, which exceeds 120°C, may cause busting of the can. Keep out of reach of children.


Repels dust & water. The glossy finish is resilient over time, and doesn't become brittle. Air dries in 15 minutes, hardens in 1 hour. Adheres strongly and forms a tough glossy coating. High electric strength - 121 KV/ mm at 28°C & 81 KV/mm AT 180°C. BDV -> 5KV (4 Layers). Thermal Class H. Excellent adhesion and high arc resistance. Resists abrasion and wear; will not chip, peel or become brittle. Resists oil, water, acids and alkalis. Penetrates, coats, and seals in one step. Available in three colors- Red, Black & Clear.

Storage & Shelf Life:

The product may be stored at normal ambient temperature and has a shelf life of not less 2 years with correct storage. Aerosol should always be stored below 50°C, away from direct heat and naked flame.

Technical Service:

AARNA LUBE PVT LTD. provides technical support under the program of research and development. For any enquiry contact us at details provided below.


300gm/500 ml, Aerosol Cans


Thermal "Class H" epoxy coating.

Ultra high electric strength even at elevated temperatures.

Unique surface gloss, smoothness & pinhole free finish despite being an aerosol spray insulation coating with superior dust & water repellency.

Unmatched electrical properties

Excellent chemical resistance

Excellent capability to enhance "IR" values.

Convenient to use aerosol spray system.


Information in this literature is to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate. However, since conditions under products may be used are beyond our control, recommendation are made without warranty or guarantee.